Unlock Your Artistic Potential: Personalized Music Business Consultation

In this 90-minute session, you can expect:

1. In-Depth Needs Assessment:

We'll delve into your current challenges, aspirations, and specific needs within the music business landscape.

2. Strategic Planning:

Together, we'll outline a tailored roadmap for your music business growth, identifying key areas for improvement and development.

3. Q&A Exploration:

Engage in a focused dialogue to address any questions, concerns, or uncertainties you may have about your musical journey.

4. Guidance on Legal Aspects:

Receive insights into navigating legal intricacies relevant to your music business, ensuring you're well-equipped to protect your artistic endeavors.

5. Production Mastery Overview:

Explore how lighting,  sound,  and staging mastery can elevate your stage presence and enhance the overall impact of your performances.

6. Artistic Vision Crafting:

Discuss practical strategies to navigate your unique musical path, emphasizing the fusion of creativity and business planning.

This session is designed to provide a holistic understanding of your current situation, set clear objectives for growth, and equip you with actionable steps to propel your music business forward at far less cost than a typical consultation with a lawyer and business coach.


$99.97 USD

You hereby agree that you have read and understand that everyone's music business journey is different, and therefore that your future progress may differ from any of John's past or future clients, and that results are in no way guaranteed. Also, you hereby agree that although John is a lawyer, he is not your lawyer.  By purchasing this consultation you agree that this conversation does not constitute legal advice nor does it create the confidential attorney-client privilege that hiring legal counsel creates.  Thank you!